Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Funny and creative advertising does not mean it is effective advertising

For many years, the Monday morning sales meeting with my advertising staff following the Super Bowl has consisted of a review of the ads from the previous night. As expected, some ring clear and true to the staff while others are already forgotten 12 hours later.

Funny, creative copy does not necessarily mean effective advertising. I came across this article this afternoon that discussed the Advertising Benchmark Index for TV ads. Fascinating research, and an article worth a quick read!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

152 year old newspaper could be the next victim of a changing reader and tight economy

Tough times continue for print media. A story broke today that the 152 year old Stars and Stripes newspaper could be on the chopping block. Ironically, it was the newspaper that broke the story about its possible demise.

For me, this poses a bit of a conflict. As a traditionalist and self-professed champion of the print media, I hate to see this being considered. But as a fiscal conservative, I think it might be time to rethink this outlet for our military personnel across the globe.

The government subsidizes the publication about $7.4 million annually. That is enough of a line item on a budget to be reviewed. The publication is published in print Monday - Thursday, with a special weekend edition for Europe and the Pacific Friday - Sunday. The Stars and Stripes claims over 200,000 readers daily.

When I was thinking about the necessity of a printed edition, I was imagining soldiers at or near front lines who might not have internet access to view a digital version. That vision I have probably does happen, but I'm willing to bet not terribly often. Front line posts for our military often times have Subway Restaurants, so I have to believe internet access is like available some or even most of the time.

It is vitally important to keep The Stars and Stripes around. It does provide a connection for our soldiers that I believe to be necessary. It is simply time to move forward in a different approach and evolve as the industry evolves. Trying to serve a global market is difficult to do in print seven days a week.

Perhaps a weekly print edition of The Stars and Stripes and a beefed up is the answer? For fiscal year 2013, the website reportedly had nearly 36 million page views while serving over 9 million unique visitors.

Full details on the story and a brief history of The Stars and Stripes can be found at:

Champion the cause of locally owned businesses with Small Business Saturday

Has Black Friday lost some of its edge? From my observations, I think perhaps the single day known as Black Friday has lost some luster. More and more retailers are offering Black Friday pricing well in advance of the day.

Yesterday, I had to purchase my dog a new dog collar. At the check out, I was offered a copy of the national pet retailer's insert and advice from the lady that I should wait and make the purchase on Friday when the dog collar I picked up was $8 cheaper. Unfortunately for me, the dog needed the collar yesterday so I made the purchase.

Such a tip off even a couple years ago about the details of their Black Friday insert and special pricing would have been unheard of, and yet it happened a couple times this week. I suppose it should be a surprise since many retailers have caved in and posted their inserts online. Plus there are several Black Friday websites and apps that cater to those who can't wait until their Thanksgiving paper arrives.

Personally, I'm more excited about Saturday than I am Friday regarding shopping.  Kudos to American Express who created Small Business Saturday in 2010 to help small and medium businesses across the country. Sure it also helps them but to their credit, they have done a great job of champion a cause that is very under-represented.

In my community, I became a community organizer of sorts helping to sign up participating businesses as well as running promotions through traditional and digital media outlets. In a local news story, it was reported that over 200 businesses were signed up in my community of about 130,000 people.

Social media like Facebook and Twitter have seen lots of posts, which you can use to see what is happening in your local market. #ShopSmall is the key word for Small Business Saturday, taking place this Saturday across the country.

In addition to helping out locally owned businesses, you have a chance to pad your own wallet if you use your American Express Card. In the past, social media Four Square also offers bonus opportunities to save money through your American Express Card. For details on the entire project, a list of businesses in your community and how you can save some money, check out:

Friday, November 22, 2013

Traditional publishers must talk with their audience through social media and not to their audience

Business guru Tom Peters has been someone I've looked to for inspiration for a number of years. He wrote that if you want to achieve excellence in your organization, you simply start being excellent. To steal a phrase from Nike, "Just do it!"

Traditional media outlets need to take that advise regarding their digital strategy. If you want to create a digital strategy that helps you grow your audience, revenue and positioning for the future, then you simply start doing it. Unfortunately, all too frequently that is not happening.

Former employee, long time friend and now digital publisher Matt Schroeder has shared with me some of the ways he engages audience through social media and how that directly impacts page views on his website. His tactics are far from rocket science, yet the results are quite tangible.

Yet newsroom scoff at the suggestion of social media interaction, and stick with plastering story headlines on Twitter and Facebook feeds. While posting stories to gain interest is a part of the strategy, too many times newsrooms post enough of the story that the person seeing the headline has no need to click on the story and visit the site for full details. This is a headline world, and newsroom gave enough of a story overview that the engagement ends right then.

To harness the power of social media, the newsroom will have to put aside traditional journalism tactics. The key word in social media is SOCIAL. The audience wants to be spoken with, not to. I came across an amazing stat last weekend, saying that 57% of people today talk more to people online that in person. That stat is even higher if you only focus on younger demographics.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Google's gmail proves to be very difficult for email marketing companies

Black Friday is just over a week away, but you might never know it. Amazing how the digital age is changing shopping patterns, with more and more people going online now and making those after holiday buys now. Digital shopping continues to make changes throughout the business world.

The Wall Street Journal has had articles in the past few days about how the life of a car salesman is significantly different now, as digital platforms such as change how we approach making that purchase. Businesses are changing their view on the need for high traffic / high rent facilities as more revenue gets generated away from brick and mortar structures.

Even digital first platforms are facing change as the digital age evolves. I've mentioned my love affair (insert sarcasm here) with the new Google gmail tab system. Google now offers three areas for your email to be filtered to: primary, social and promotional.

Before the new system, all email was filtered into one folder and the end user had to sort through the offerings. As a person that just doesn't give out my email all that often, this system doesn't seem like a problem. But some people sign up for things all the time, and get flooded each day with dozens-even hundreds of emails from social media websites and from sites trying to sell you something.

As predicted, the promotional tab is proving to be a deserted street. There is a report out today that shows that less than 0.1% of email that lands in that part of gmail ever gets out of that tab. This filtering system is proving to be very difficult for email marketing companies such as Groupon.

Full details on that story can be found at:

Groupon continues to struggle, and in front of the holiday shopping season has started offering special offers to purchase from them. I've received two in recent days, including a $10 coupon this morning trying to get me back on the active roll of users.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

When creativity and good copy writing create good advertising copy

I came across the latest Foot Locker ad copy from a friend's post on Facebook. Thanks Pam Wells-Lego for dishing out a breath of fresh air in advertising copy writing and humor.

A lot has been said recently about the latest K-Mart ads for the holiday season. And while their Joe Boxer ad is cute, seeing Mike Tyson hugging Evander Holyfield takes the cake. Don't you just love it when the advertiser allows creative ideas to flow through into a marketing project?

Talking lizards, cavemen and Old McDonald are good, and even some times great. Add to that list the latest from Foot Locker....and all is suddenly right with the world!

Check it out for yourself:

Monday, November 11, 2013

Googles new email platform takes a bite out of daily deals company Groupon

I started my Google mail account several years ago out of necessity, having purchased a Droid phone. Fast forward to today, and I use that account daily for a variety of reasons online including this blog. While I'm generally not afraid of change in my life, the changes Google made a few months ago to platform did not thrill me.

To their credit, Google was able to create a new revenue source with the new Google email ads on the promotional tab. But the three tab approach, primary-social-promotional, seems like a layer that I could easily do without. Apparently, I'm not the only one that feels this way.

Groupon, the daily deals company, would love to eliminate that promotional tab as well. Since implementation, Groupon has seen a decline in click throughs and thus profits. While their revenue was up, 4.7% during the reporting period, they reported a deficit of $2.58 million in income.

Of note to me also is the fact that Groupon now only gets 40% of its revenue through email campaigns. To their credit, they have diversified what they are doing as a marketing company. Unfortunately for them, the cost of doing that business is more expensive, and thus they continue to struggle.

Groupon is still a company to watch in my mind. Having largely invented an entire marketing platform, they have good people in search of that next big thing.

To learn more about their latest earnings report, check out:

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Do you know a not-for-profit organization in need of marketing help? Google is offering $10K per month to them to help promote

It is funny how life points you in directions you never expected. In my younger days, I would have never guessed I'd be a champion for adoption of minority children with special needs. Having adopted a minority child who turned out to have special needs, I'm now an advocate.

Many of us have developed passions to help out those less fortunate than us, or those that are just going through a tough patch in life. Through marketing, I've been able to help out some great charities through my money, my talents and my time. Perhaps you have been fortunate enough to do the same, and for that I thank and congratulate you.

One of the biggest needs non-profits have beside more money and more volunteers is more awareness in the communities they serve. In fact, a higher awareness would help with their money and volunteer needs. Non-profits are struggling to keep their doors open, so a marketing budget is often times only a dream; or even more likely not even on the radar. But there is help, and you can help spread the word.

Google has put in place a grant program for most 501 (c) 3 non-profits, giving them $10,000 PER MONTH in marketing dollars to be used on the Google platforms for key words and such. These key words can be used for fund raising, getting volunteers, seeking out people who need services and general outreach. The qualifications are minimal for this program, and renews with ease for the qualified not-for-profit.

Details on the program can be found at I'm on a few boards, and have made sure all the organizations I'm associated with know about this program. I encourage you to do the same, and help spread the word of this great program from Google, and spread the word of your local 501 (c) 3 organization.

A number of marketing groups, such as the American Advertising Federation does a lot of pro bono work with agencies in their market, helping them create a marketing program to raise awareness of these worthy organizations. It is easy to find the needs for helping with marketing for these groups, but finding the media to use can prove difficult. With Google Grants, budget it not a problem. In fact, on average non-profits are only using $331 of the $10,000 grant each month.

There is plenty of budget and opportunity available. We are marketing professionals need to make sure we're making them aware of this program, and helping them take advantage.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Service industry businesses need to be on their A-game all the time because of social media outlets

The last two days have been filled with digital marketing ideas at the Local Media Association Digitial Agency Summit in Chicago. After a day full of great ideas, I decided to get out and get my fill of great Chicago food.

I ended up at Five Roses Pub in Rosemont, where they were really full. But their manager, John, found a table and squeezed me in. They were full, but John found a way to serve the customer. Now John has no idea that I've been fully submerged in social media ideas the previous 48 hours, and that I  use Foursquare and leave the ocassional review.

Bringing this back to social media, it got me thinking about restaurants and in fact any service industry. In the movies, the employees would all go crazy when a food critic from the local newspaper showed up to do a review at the restaurant. On the big screen, they all knew the critic and would fawn all over him / her to make sure they had the very best experience possible.

With the advent of social media, we're all critics. We have access to a number of communication channels to convey good and bad news. My trip to Five Roses Pub can easily be reviewed on my cell phone through Foursquare, Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, this blog and so many more.

Restaurants have to be on their A-game everyday, not just when the local food critic shows up for the review. The review is happening all the time your doors are open. Marketers have to work with service industry customers to get them engaged with these audiences; responding to the good and bad posts. After all, 83% of U.S. consumers consult the web for research before visiting a brick and mortar store.

Newspapers need to develop a formal social media strategy to harness the power of Twitter and Facebook

Headlines this week showed just how strong social media is for the consumption of news. Not a surprise is that people, including me in a traditional media profession, do not wait until the 6 p.m. news or the morning paper to see what happened.

Some studies recently show that the first thing people do in the morning is check their phone for email, social media, text, etc. Count me as one of them as well. That might be a sad realization in terms of how we act in the 21st century, but it is the reality; my reality and probably yours as well.

The Wall Street Journal had a blog post this week showing a survey about how consumers are getting and consuming their news. In the article, 10% of people get their news from Twitter. Facebook garnered 30% of the audience as the local news source.

While this shows the fractured habits of consumers, I believe it is great news for newspapers. The survey did not specify, but I'm pretty sure that 10% and 30% audience is very likely getting a newspaper feed on Twitter and Facebook.

Newspaper publishers have not always wanted to offer their content through these feeds, but I believe they must do this to reach their local audience. A Twitter or Facebook feed will feed back to the core site, if you have a good social media strategy and are offering good, interesting content.

In September, newspapers online had a record crowd. Using Twitter and Facebook can help grow that even more. But it isn't just a matter of posting stories; it must be an engagement with the audience. And if the local newspaper doesn't do this.....someone else will.

Full details on the Wall Street Journal article can be found at:

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Baseball needs to start marketing to that next generation before it is too late

The World Series just ended a couple days ago. In fact, as I write this, I'm watching the victory parade for the Red Sox. As an avid Red Sox fan, the World Series had an obvious favorable outcome. But while I celebrate the results on the field, I have some real concerns about the future of the game I love.

As a baseball player, I'm old. When Tim Wakefield retired two years ago, there no longer were major league players older than me active. But as a baseball fan, I'm young; and that is a concern.

Major League Baseball will tout the increase in viewership, up almost 12% from last year's series. The increase of viewers is likely more about it being a Cardinal / Red Sox series, with both franchises having large, dedicated fan bases. But that next level of information shows the future of the game, if things don't change. According to Nielsen, the average age of a World Series viewer was 54.4 years old. The next generation is just not there; only 4.3% of the TV audience was between 6 and 17 years old.

I'm a hardcore fan of the Red Sox, yet I struggled to stay awake on some of the nights. Most all of the games were ending around 12 a.m. EDT. The youth, all of who need to go to school the next morning, are simply being shut out of their chance to fall in love with the greatest game invented.

The games start later because of the TV contract with Fox, and I understand that if Fox pays that kind of money they get a say in the schedule. But a simple business rule is you cannot sacrifice long term success for a short term gain, and that is what I believe is happening.

There are a couple things MLB can do to start positioning the game to romance that next generation of viewers.

  1. I would prefer a 7 p.m. EDT start time for weeknight games. But even a 7:30 p.m. start time instead of the 8:07 time we had this year would give more opportunity for a younger audience to watch.
  2. How about a 4 p.m. Saturday game during the series? The last World Series game played during the day was in 1987.
Both of those suggestions might involve a concession with Fox, TBS and ESPN for some broadcast rights fees. But I would view that as an investment in the future of the game; an investment in the next generation of season ticket holders and TV viewers. 

The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both had excellent coverage on this topic. You can see those articles at:

Random thoughts with a marketing and media twist
The marketing world is changing so quickly. I remember making the decision to leave radio and journey back into newspaper, seeking a more stable industry. Twenty plus years ago, that was a good decision. Today, traditional media is seeing paradigm shifts seemingly daily, and nothing is truly stable any more; and may never be again.This blog is a storage unit on the information super highway. As I see cool or unique ideas or stories for all media--traditional or the new digital frontier, this is where I will store it, and keep it as a reference for me and perhaps others too.